Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Home Grown Cherry Tomatoes

My wife decided that planting vegetables would be a great pass time and seeing that I started to play Barn Buddy and Happy Farm on Facebook, she thought that the real thing would get me away from the computer. Interestingly, it did. I was initially not too interested in gardening or any planting of that sort. I always thought of gardening as a patient sort of hobby and when I plant something, I expect to see it grow quickly.

We started to go down to a plant nursery to check out some of the seeds that we could plant and my wife suggested that we get vegetables. Made sense as you could plant them and then harvest them to cook after a few months. Though my mother would disagree saying that it took too much effort to plant the vegetables and we'd be better off buying them from the market or grocer.

The picture you see here is just the first tomato that has ripened. It took more than 3 months to get it to this stage, considering we did not use any fertilizer nor plant feed. So, that's just it, one measly tomato. But, now there are other tomatoes starting to show up on the plant and it's a good thing that I decided to plant 2 pots of tomatoes. The flowers are blooming and now, I'm just waiting for them to fruit.

Over the weekend, we also got ourselves some fertilizer (chicken dung). According to the lady at the nursery, she says chicken dung would be more suitable for growing tomatoes. I know it stinks like hell.

This is the second vegetable that we've planted. The first was spinach, which we have harvested twice. It's quite simple and easy to grow. Plant the seed in and within 4-5 weeks, they are ready to be harvested. Nothing like eating home grown vegetables. My wife's decided to be ambitious and she has started planting passion fruits. I'm still waiting to see how that turns out.


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