Saturday, April 07, 2007

So in the pursuit of happiness...

The "Pursuit of Happyness", Yen and I watched this movie last night. Basically it's abou"t the story of one man, who has lost everything in his life and hitting rock bottom. Chris Gardner spent his live savings venturing into a business of selling bone density analyzers, he and his wife moves to San Francisco and plan to make it big there. However, it was tougher than he'd expected and ends up trying to sell one unit a month to make ends meet. Eventually, his wife leaves him for not being able to pay for rent and other monthly expenditures. He begged his wife to leave his son Christopher with him.

Yen asked what I thought about the whole film and how I felt. I mean it is sad to know when someone goes through a tough situation. Losing everything, including your car and house, having nothing to eat and no where to live, it is devastating. However, Chris and his son, still maanages to pull through. They would live in the subway toilet, put up in the shelter and preserverence and hard work eventually paid off. Of course being a broker also contributed to his success later on in life.

Being down on one's luck is really hard to go by, imagine everything you did hit a dead end. I would have given up there and then if I had not watched this film. If this show thought me one thing, it's that no matter how bad your situation may get, there's always a silver lining in the clouds.

Yesterday being Good Friday, Victor sent me an email with a powerpoint file depicting the meaning of Good Friday and why it's such a holy occassion for Christians. I never knew the true meaning behind it, all I thought it was the day that JC died being crucified. Well I have learnt that in the crucifix, normal prisoners were hung there, with their hands tied instead of nailed to the cross. At the base of the feet, there would be a small platform for the prisoner to stand onto while awaiting the slow death. If the Romans got impatient, they'd just break the knees and the prisoner eventually will have most of his weight hung down on the cross, sufficating to death. In JC's case, he was nailed to it and you can imagine the pain he'd gone through. He was sinless, and at that point, he thought that God had neglected him. As we all know, JC had to suffer, even though he was innocent to save mankind from their mortal sins. He arose on Sunday.

I spoke to Uncle Roger this morning and every year on Good Friday, the sky would be covered with dark clouds and there would be thunder and lightning around 3pm to 4pm. There will be very little rain, and the thunder and lightning symbolizes JC's last breath. However, this year it is the first time that the sky was clear.

So in the pursuit of happiness, what should you be pursuing? What really makes you happy? Some people, it'll be habving financial security. Some people it would be having a good home to go home to. How does one feel happy? I know that I am happy being with Yen and that we will be gettinng registered this year in June. A lot of people think that they are happy being where they are today. I guess, being contented is the true way to being happy. There's no point aiming for a Ferrari to be satisfied if you can't afford one. Sigh... looks like it'll always be a dream car.


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