Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day

OK. It's been 3 years to date since I've had a chance to celebrate Mother's Day with me mum. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the bad son who ignores his mum, it's just that I've spent the first two of the three years abroad living in Brisbane. I was really looking forward to celebrate it with her this year. Unfortunately she's being posted in Ipoh, so heck, let's postpone the celebrations. Managed to speak to her on the phone and wished her, "Happy Mother's day".

I was contemplating the drive to Ipoh, but with the recent increase in petrol prices it would mean having to endure a nice long lecturing from me mum and her asking me, "So how's the job hunt situation coming?" I've still yet to come up with an explanation for sitting at home for almost a year since I've graduated. Calling it an extended holiday, but I've really been trying hard to get something soon. It's really boring sitting at home everyday!

Thought I'd just save myself the hassle and I'll celebrate it the next year with something posh like a dinner in Lemon Garden, Shangri-La, KL.


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