Friday, July 13, 2007

This world is full of shit.

I didn't give it much thought that today is Friday the 13th. Thanks Cheryl for bringing this up, you just had to tell me. I was just thinking that it is the 13th of July, nothing more. So what happened to you today?

You know, it's funny. I was speaking with Chin Hooi today and he mentioned that his day was fucked. So I told him, blame it on Friday the 13th. So I asked him, why was his day screwed? He said that his subordinate lay some shit and he has to clean up the mess. In recent times, the shit are more watery, making it harder to clean. This was a good metaphor. It made me realized what I've been doing all this while, cleaning up shit! As Cheryl put it the last time when she was here, everyday we are dealing with shit. Others make the mess, we end up cleaning it.

It's because someone caused the mess and you end up having to clean up. The problem is, it's nasty, smelly and it's stressful. Sure you may try not to think about it, but in the end it'll stick to your memory. When you least expect it, you'll suddenly recall the nasty shit that you have had to clean up.

This applies to organizations the world over. The cleaners from the actual cleaning service providers who clean the company vacinities all the way up to the President has shit to clean. Just that the shit you deal with is probably of different proportion and stinkiness. I can think of a million examples about shits waiting to be cleaned up. From the bad shit in the toilet stall all the way to the "We did not find any weapons of mass distruction in Iraq", it's still shit. Someone came up wth a brilliant idea that failed, somebody's gotta do damage control. You try to contain the shit as much as possible, but if it's too full of shit, it'll just end up exploding. Look at Bush now, his ratings are at an all time low and they're calling for an impeachment.

Just take the recent example of the shit that Jess Teh caused. For those of you that have not been following the local Malaysian news, this mother, I'm not sure whether she deserves to be called a mother, tried to cover up the death of her daughter who was under the care of her boyfriend. So they lied to the cops, the press and even the MCA. She pleaded that her daughter went missing and that she had been kidnapped. The truth was that the daughter had drowned and that when she was told about it by her boyfriend, they decided to wait till dark to get rid of her body by burning it and scattering the pieces in numerous places.

Advise is, don't try to cover up shit that you cannot cover. I don't understand why she didn't just admit the whole story. Right now, she and the boyfriend could be charged with a different charge as the shit just got messier.

This world is full of shit. So is this post. We'll always end up thinking problems equals to shit.


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