Tuesday, July 24, 2007

you mind to keep it down a little? We're trying to work here

You know, a lot of people go to coffee places to relax, chit-chat and catch up with friends. Yesterday was my off day and Merv came and picked me up together with Bobby. We headed to Gasing for banana leaf and then it was off to 222 to look at CCTV and alarms.

After that, we headed to Bangsar Village II for coffee. We headed up to Starbucks and after ordering our coffee, we proceeded to head to our table. You know, when we you get together with friends, you tend to chat and laugh a little loudly?

Well, halfway through our conversation, this lady sitting in the next table with her laptop says to us, "Do you mind to keep it down a little? We're trying to work here". So we just kept quite, Bobby turned on the music on his laptop, Usher's Yeah! on full blast and walked off to buy a cake. Merv and I were left staring at each other, hoping that the lady would not make another comment.

In the first place, Starbucks is a place for people to get together and talk. What did you expect us to do, whisper to each other and stay in silence in a public place? That's why they call it coffee joints, not Ms. X's private office corner. If you and your colleague are rushing a dateline, please bugger off to somewhere else more suitable, a.k.a. the office! That's what your boss pays you for, so why the hell are you doing your work in the coffee joint?

When you work at a coffee joint, you are expecting people to talk, laugh and chit chat. Cause that's what public places are for, I didn't see the word please keep quite or silence around. I had half the nerve to tell that lady off, what did she think, that this was her grandfather's office?

I on purposed turned on my PSP to the maximum volume. So we had the MP3 blasting off the speakers of Bobby's laptop and my game running at maximum volume. So call it a non-verbal protest from us, but tough luck.


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