Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Down on luck...

Every had one of those days that you know your luck has run out? These few days it really feels like that. It all started on Monday when I had an interview with a bank. I've never pictured myself working in a bank, not once. Looks like I'm gonna be exploring new grounds.

So, the interview was at 2.30pm in the middle of KL. Thought I'd get there in ample time as that would mean after rush hour. I got ready, went downstairs to close the slidding door before I left. To my horror, the door was stuck! I kept pulling the doors to close till one of the handles popped off! So I just thought, screw it!

After locking the front door, I went to my car and clicked the alarm. It shorted and refused to open. Dammit! And the time was already 2.10pm. So much for being early for the interview. After a few fiddles, the alarm finally opened the door and allowed me to start the car. If it's not disarmed, the immobilizer won't let me start the car.

Rushed to the city centre, traffic was surprisingly light. Managed to find a parking spot near the bank's building. I had the leave the key behind as the parking area was rather small and they were stacking the cars side by side. I contemplated on not parking there, but it was already 2.25pm. I had 5 minutes left to rush in and get to the 11th floor. I just left the keys with the attendant and grabbed my umbrella. It started raining heavily as I walked to the building. Really.. not my day!

The interview wait time was really long. I managed to complete my details and handed my documents to the receptionist in 10 minutes flat. She asked me to wait on until they call me in for the interview. The waiting room had leather sofa, but the thing which ruined the room was a musky smell. It smelt like wet carpet that has been left wet for a few days. The smell was horrible. Quite hard to endure and I was left in there till about 4pm before they called me in!

By then, sitting there in the waiting room marinating for an hour and a half, it was quite a torture. I was no longer in the mood to proceed with the interview and I probably screwed it up. Like they say, screw up your preliminary interview and it's as good as over.


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