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My wife decided that planting vegetables would be a great pass time and seeing that I started to play Barn Buddy and Happy Farm on Facebook, she thought that the real thing would get me away from the computer. Interestingly, it did. I was initially not too interested in gardening or any planting of that sort. I always thought of gardening as a patient sort of hobby and when I plant something, I expect to see it grow quickly.
It's been a long time since I've written anything on my blog and since I just got back from KK, Sabah, I'll start with something just to jump start my blog. This was my first visit to Sabah and Kota Kinabalu is truly a lovely place. I can't believe that such a beautiful place exists and is part of Malaysia. This was a trip together with the RSMC (Road Safety Marshal Club) members and we were distributing free helmets to primary school children who were pillion riders to school. The helmets were sponsored by Genting Berhad.